Our Services
From training to farm products, we provide innovative, sustainable services for all your needs. Ibiteinye Integrated Farms (IIF) has the following departments as follows
Explore Our Diverse Agricultural Solutions
At IIF, we are not just growing crops and livestock—we are cultivating opportunities, driving economic growth, and nurturing the planet.
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Fresh & Healthy
Eget lacus facilisi enim nec.
100% Organic
Lacinia nisl arcu adipiscing.
Aquaculture Department
The farm has 18 concrete tanks, 3 earthen ponds, 10 incubating units and indoor hatchery with 12 nursery tanks. The Hatchery can produce 80,000 fingerlings every 2months i.e. 480,000 Juveniles per annum. The 18 concrete tanks have the capacity to hold 3000clarias each i.e. 97.2tons of table size Clarias per annum, with two production circles and 10% mortality rate. The 3 earthen ponds are used for brood-stock production for farm use and sale to smallholder fish farmers. We have six (6) extra fish ponds of varying sizes around the concrete tanks that can grow 5tons of Nile Tilapia per annum. We are currently carrying out an experiment on growing mono-sexed Tilapia in concrete tanks.
Poultry Department
This department started in 2016 with layers. We added broilers in 2018, then Ducks and Turkey in 2020. The Farm has 9 brooding rooms with the carrying capacity of 9000day old chicks.
A grower’s Pen for 9000 birds and 226 Units of Battery cages for 18,272 layers. The facility can also carry 12000 broilers per annum, 2000 Turkeys per annum and 500 ducks. The turkeys and Ducks are free range
Piggery (Hog) Department
This section was added to enable Ibiteinye Integrated Farms (IIF) obtain enough substrate (waste) for her proposed biogas plant without depending on outside sources and also to improve the profitability profile of the farm. The Unit has 91 pig sties with the capacity to hold 1,036 weaners per-annum, using 3boars and 36Sows which will produce 28 tons of Pork meat per-annum.
Heliculture Department
The snail section started also in 2017 and boasts of 1 giant and 2 medium snail pens with the combined capacity of 5000 fully grown Achatina Machinata. We also have 2 mini snail pens for incubating and nursing.

Vegetable Garden
The entire farm is practically a garden, as available spaces are used to plant local vegetables, herbs and fruits trees like Moringa; Pawpaw; Graviola/Luguntugui (Sour-Sop); Plantain; Potatoes; Tumeric; Ginger; Aloe Vera; Bitter leaves; Scent leaves; Water leaves; Bryophyllum Pinnatum (Teak Leaf); Coconut; Oil Palm; Chaya, Bananna, Plantain etc. Almost everything planted on the farm, form part of the feed additives for our livestock and also sold as fresh and/or processed etc. Due to the success recorded after 3 years of experiment, we are now in 2021, planting Ginger, Tumeric, and Yams in bags and containers on a commercial scale.
To ensure the use of only high-quality feeds, the feeds for all our livestock except for fingerlings are produced on the farm. IIF has a feed mill with the capacity to produce one ton (1) of feed in 30mins, complete with feed grinder, mixer, pelletizer and drier.
The ration formulation is of course specific for birds and fishes, pigs and snails.

IIF generates about 120 tons of poultry waste, 480 tons of Piggery waste and about 400 tons of other waste streams including water hyacinth per annum. The farm thus intends to convert her biodegradable wastes to methane gas for electricity and organic manure for sale to other farmers. The Pig sties and Poultry Pens are constructed to enable the solid wastes to be gathered and bagged with ease, while the floors are washed into receptacles seeded with water hyacinth.
We have a standard training facility that can train 100 people at a time. We provide the CD copy of all our trainings. In addition, our training faculty is made up of expert/practicing farmers. We also incorporate personnel from the academia, consultancy firms and the various agricultural associations as the need arises. We can simultaneously conduct trainings at different locations within the Niger Delta Region
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